Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Clinic

A few photos of my clinic which I'm very proud of.  I have started working in it now and done two nights.  Both very quiet but I thoroughly enjoyed them!

Largely out of view because of the fax/printer is the medical couch.  The blue bag on the floor is the emergercy bag with oxygen etc.  The red/yellow button on the wall is the duress alarm  If I push that police come running with guns in hand.

Black triangle in the top corner is the camera - always recording.  You can just see to the right of the photo the police watch house desk where someone always sits watching the camera screens and checking on the prisioners. Opposite that (a hard right in the photo) are the cells.

Trolley on wheels is my locked dressing and drug trolley (actually, everything is locked regardless).  Blue curtains are disposable.  Boxes on the floor aren't meant to be there - just awaiting the bins to arrive.

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