Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Well, this last week I've actually been quite home sick.  I knew it would happen eventually, though I suspect because the kids and my husband are on school holidays back in New Zealand and I'm over here working played a huge part in it.  But then when my daughter got sick and admitted to hospital after vomiting for 3 days, I had my big cry baby moment and felt so helpless. They kept her is for 24 hours to hydrate her and run a few tests.  My husband stayed in the hospital and the other two kids stayed at their grandmothers house.  Now they think it was just a bad case of gastroenteritis.  Poor wee thing is back home but still not well.  Sucks getting sick in the school holidays. Talk about being ripped off.

Anyway, last night I watched a really good Australian movie (yes they do exist).  I actually watched the whole movie on you tube in parts.  Not the most conventional way, but a friend was talking to me about it and I felt I needed to see it to really understand some of the history behind the issues I'm seeing today.  Most of you have probably seen it as it's been out a few years now.  But it's called Rabbit- Proof- Fence and it's based on a true story about three half caste aboriginal girls who are stolen by the Government (white man) and how they found their way home to their mother.  It is basically the story of the STOLEN GENERATION.  Part of the dark, sad side of Australia's history that was still happening in the early 80's. Where babies and children born of Aboriginal woman with white fathers (often a product of rape) were taken by the Government from their mothers to be raised as 'white' in missionary schools and then passed off as domestic servants (girls) or farm hands and labourers (boys) to the white people..... as slaves.

I won't say too much about the movie but this clip says alot about that history for those who don't already know.

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