Saturday, April 14, 2012

On patrol

I just came home from another busy night where over 40 people were brought in for Protective Custody.  When so many people are brought in you have to ask, are these alcohol restrictions making any difference?

People aren't allowed to drink grog or be drunk in a public place which means for those people who are homeless basically whenever they drink they are committing an offence. Then after they commit three offences they get a ban.  If they then break the ban they get arrested, then they break it again and are this time in breach of bail, and so on, and so forth.  What a crazy dumb arse system that is clearly not working. 

This video was taken in Katherine a couple of years ago but reflects just what it's like being a policeman here.  This is in the day time so you can imagine how bad it can be at night.

1 comment:

  1. This I know for certain:

    If I was sitting under some frigging tree knowing full well there were poisonous snakes and lizards and crocodiles and spiders and .... well I'd WANT to be pissed as a newt! No way could I do that shit sober.
